Jenny Harmon
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to read this blog. I’m so glad you’re here and I hope you will take the time to comment and join the conversations that have jumped from my head to the pages of this website. I have been a Christ follower for thirty years and still feel like I have so much to learn. The longer I walk with the Lord, the more I realize I have yet to discover. I am a verbal processor by nature and thrive off of deep conversations with friends over a good cup of coffee. My husband Joel and I have been married for 29 beautiful years and I wouldn’t trade him for anything in all the world. Our life together has been full of joy, laughter, love, loss, and lots of change. We have three wonderful adult children, two incredible son-in-laws, and two precious grandchildren who light up my life. I have worn many hats over the years that have mostly involved being a wife and a mom, but have also included being a loan officer, pilates instructor, kid’s camp director and have overseen children’s /care / and married life ministries on staff at a church. Like I mentioned, change is a theme in my life. The biggest change came two years ago when I had to go on full-time disability due to a chronic illness I have battled for twenty years. God has used this season of impaired mobility and chronic pain to refine me like never before. It has also hemmed me in and allowed me time and space to write. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? This blog is an outpouring of all God has taught me over the years, but mostly what He is currently revealing to me today. The greater my struggles get, the more I look forward to heaven, and the more I want to be ready for the day I see the Lord face to face. Hence the birth of “Oil for Your Lamp”. Thank you for joining me on this journey.